Banning lorries would make life better without costing the earth

24/03/09 – for immediate release

In response to the Highways Agency’s announcement of their withdrawal from the A628 public inquiry [2], Save Swallow’s Wood are appealing for local residents and politicians to join forces and support alternatives, including a lorry ban through the National Park [3].

Emma Lawrence, co-ordinator for Save Swallow’s Wood, said:

“Decision makers have always said it’s bypass or nothing, but removing lorries from the National Park would bring immediate relief to residents on the main road and have a positive environmental impact instead of devastating it, as the bypass would. Anyone who refuses to support this proposal is effectively saying they don’t want local residents lives to be improved until 2016. We hope that the endless delays will prompt a rethink and that everyone can come together to find a solution that will benefit residents without costing the earth.”

Notes for Editors:

For more information, contact: Emma Lawrence on 0845 226 3392.

[1] Save Swallow’s Wood is a group based in Glossop and Longdendale campaigning against the Mottram-Tintwistle bypass. For more information, visit

[2] See

[3] See Survey Reveals 70% Support a Lorry Ban: